Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Fall 2015 in Pictures

First thing’s first…ELIXIR BOUND is on sale today as part of my publisher’s 12 Days of Christmas event. Please help spread the word, and feel free to grab the banner and share it (and also, ya know, pick up a copy of the book).


And…on to the post…

It’s a busy time of year. That means you get to have the super cuteness of a picture post (because most of my pictures are of the boys!). One thing before the pics. Mary Waibel, Kai Strand, and I have been thinking about #inkripples in 2016. We’ve got a whole new set of topics for next year, and we’d love any bloggers to join in the conversation. Full details coming next week!

Now on to the pictures:

20150925_08193820151005_172433 20151011_13151820150930_104812 20151004_11292720150930_103229 20151011_163746 20150926_180842 20151119_091638 20151111_075131 20151031_174910 20151030_101627 20151030_101514 20151027_105917 20151026_100428 20151024_151010 20151018_154300

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  1. S. J. Pajonas

    Aw! You had a great year. 🙂 Here’s to 2016 being awesome as well!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, S.J.! You’ve had quite the year as well. Cheers to a fantastic 2016!

  2. Mirka Breen

    They grow up fast… (Well, fast for me ;D )

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Fast for me, too! Except in those moments where they’re having tantrums…those feel like they go on forever. 😉

  3. Vijaya

    Aw, Katie, the cuteness is just too much, esp. the Prince in his tiger suit, brothers playing pattycake through the glass, the Boy in fall leaves. What a lovely collage — they bring back happy memories for me too. Thank you.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      So glad you enjoyed the pictures, Vijaya! Those boys are my life. 🙂

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